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Thought that was already paid for?

LA, which apparently needs money, is trying to scare it out of people:

The measure would raise the sales tax in Los Angeles to 8.75 percent, among the highest rates in the nation. It is intended to pay for the addition of 5,000 new police officers to the 22,000 who now work for the city police and county sheriff’s departments.

Opponents of the initiative argue that local leaders are pushing it as a quick fix and lack the political will to deal with larger and more divisive issues facing the region, including an overwhelming wave of illegal immigrants and nearly broken-health care system.

But most galling to the opponents is a commercial that shows a woman and her daughter cowering next to a bed in a suburban home, screaming helplessly for police who are too late to save them from a shadowy intruder slowly climbing the stairs.

The ad ends before the little girl and her mother meet their presumably violent fate. It fades to black as the woman screams “No!” — followed by the sound of a heartbeat and empty dial tone.

That’s pretty abysmal.

One Response to “Thought that was already paid for?”

  1. Xrlq Says:

    The sad part is that there is a statewide voter initiative on the ballot that would almost be worthy of such a crass commercial. It is Prop 66, a Trojan horse initiative which purports to “fix” the three strikes law to benefit nonviolent offenders, but would actually turn 26,000 violent recidivists loose.

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