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Knox Teacher Trouble

A local teacher is in trouble for showing an R rated movie to here class, which is a no-no unless you get permission from parents. Coincidentally, this R rated movie happened to be Fahrenheit 9/11:

A Knox County high school teacher has been put on administrative leave with pay – and could face termination – for showing parts of the controversial R-rated movie “Fahrenheit 9/11” to students in her English class.

The school system’s guidelines for showing videos state that “under no circumstance” are films with an R rating allowed. “Fahrenheit 9/11,” which criticizes President Bush’s response to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, is rated R for some violent and disturbing images and for language.

The guidelines also state that individual school principals must approve in writing any movies or other audiovisual works that teachers want to show and that parents must be notified about any showings.

Jon Miller, principal of Central High School, said he had no idea English teacher Suzanne Miller was showing “Fahrenheit 9/11” to her students. He learned of the situation Friday after a parent called the school to complain. On Monday he and the school system’s human resources department still were trying to nail down details.

The local VRWC sponsored radio program this morning said the teacher was planning on showing another movie that counters Moore’s film (I’m assuming Farenhype 9/11) and that the students would write a paper about convincing people.

She should have followed protocol but I tend to think that this wouldn’t be an issue if it weren’t the Moore film. Hell, in high school history, we watched Young Guns as a historical cowboy movie.

6 Responses to “Knox Teacher Trouble”

  1. Thibodeaux Says:

    Yeah, we watched Excalibur in English class. I got me a quality edumacation.

  2. Xrlq Says:

    I tend to agree. She should have followed protocol, and should have her head on a platter if she had only showed Fahrenheit 9/11 to indoctrinate the kids – but then because of the film’s slant, not its R rating per se. Showing both Fahrenheit and Fahrenhype strikes me as a good lesson on teaching kids to watch defensively.

  3. Barry Says:

    I seem to remember watching a version of Macbeth that has some nudity in it. I wasn’t scarred. Much.

    I do agree she should’ve followed protocol and gotten permission, first. That said, if it were any film by F-9/11, parents probably wouldn’t be complaining as much.

    I haven’t seen the film – what gives it an R rating? Language? Graphic violence from the attacks?

    Please tell me Moore doesn’t have a nude scene… *shudder*

  4. CJ Says:

    Yeah, we watched MacBeth as well, and yes, there is nudity.

    We also had a teacher who didn’t feel like teaching for about two weeks, so we watched the complete “Roots”. Mr. Moore, one of the greatest teachers ever!!!

  5. cube Says:

    hah hah.

    yea she should have followed the rules, and she should have shown the F 911 last, or at least that is what i would have done.

    Though i have to commend her, it sounds like she is trying to do her job.

  6. jason Says:

    Young Guns wasn’t historical? “Could you pass the gravy?”

    sorry, time to skin up the river
    jason out

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