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Today’s Hysterical Idiot

Is Dorothy Samuels, courtesy of the New York Times. She begins with the typical misinformed rants about the assault weapons ban and refers to attempts to repealed DC’s gun ban (i.e., make DC like most of the rest of the country) as loony. Then she discusses an anti-suicide bill. The bill, which apparently allots $82M for counseling, she says doesn’t address what she feels causes suicide, which is guns in the home:

But the bill’s positive aspects notwithstanding, it fails to address perhaps the most salient risk factor for troubled young people – the presence of a gun in the home. This avoidance is particularly frustrating given the scant chance that Congress will revisit the teenage suicide issue anytime soon, and the fact that it doesn’t take a brain surgeon – just a lowly editorial writer – to see a couple of common sense steps that Congress could have taken to protect kids, and didn’t take.

She states that the bill doesn’t have a provision for Child Access Prevention (warning: CAP will be a new anti-gun term soon!) and blames that on the gun lobby, which implies the NRA. Mind you, she provides almost no evidence that the NRA tried to kill the addition, but she implies it.

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