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Hats off to hostmatters

Last month, I got instalanched three or four times. The result, my sit bogged down. The fine folks at Hostmatters then moved me to a new server without me (or you, dear reader) ever realizing it. Good job. And thanks.

It’s important to me because I’m going through an Instalanche right now and you can read this.

5 Responses to “Hats off to hostmatters”

  1. Manish Says:

    btw, one of the big differences between Movable Type and WordPress is that MT can handle traffic better. Everytime some hits one of your pages, WordPress needs to go the database to generate the page. On the other hand, Movable Type creates static pages only when you create/change an entry or someone leaves a comment.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Yeah, but MT build times were killing me.

  3. Xrlq Says:

    It would be nice if someone would build a hybrid that built static pages once the same entry has been hit X number of times in Y amount of time, then delete the entry after it had not been viewed for Z days.

  4. Kathy K Says:

    There’s a cache plugin for WP that I’ve been looking into but it’s still a bit buggy so I’m waiting (hoping) for an update. I may have to update it myself but I’d have to learn about php caching first…

  5. Manish Says:

    XRLQ: It’s a trade-off between ease of not having to rebuild on posting and building constantly when people view a page. You can get to a more granular level between the trade-offs such as using caching which would say something like only look for changed content every 5 minutes or something like that. But that would mean that changes that you made to an entry might not show up for 5 minutes. That might be a reasonable trade-off.

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