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Today’s idiot

Keeble McFarlane:

Once again, the gun fetishists who with their overflowing coffers and braying voices tend to drown out anyone who tries to talk reason in the United States have won out over common sense. On Monday of last week, two days after what’s become a new annual tradition of wallowing in grief over the attacks on the World Trade Centre in 2001, the US Congress let a 10-year-old law banning the sale of certain types of guns lapse without so much as lifting a finger to renew it. The law banned the sale of certain types of military assault weapons, such as Uzis, AK-47s and AR-15s, which are capable of firing multiple rounds when the trigger is squeezed.

The ban doesn’t affect machine guns. Only machine guns are capable of firing multiple rounds when the trigger is squeezed.

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