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Flash mobs

I think I saw my first this weekend. Went to Lowe’s and bought some stuff but the grill I bought wouldn’t fit in the truck. The plan was to take the Mrs., Junior and all our stuff home then go back and get the grill. On the way home, we saw some people carrying signs at the AAA building. Then, going back to Lowe’s, there were hundreds of pro-lifers on Lamar Alexander Parkway holding up signs from the court house all the way to the 129 bypass. I got the grill, headed back (total time of thirty minutes) and when I got back to the parkway, they were all gone. Like they were never there. You don’t see that every day.

One Response to “Flash mobs”

  1. Mrs. Bubba Says:

    Prayer Chain for Life, 13th consecutive.

    From here..

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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