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Assault weapons ban round up – Afterglow

Peter Jennings is either a liar or cannot do research when he asserts Rep. McCarthy’s husband was killed by an assault weapon. The shooter used a handgun.

Pro gun politicos are attaching the DC gun ban repeal to the budget:

A move to repeal virtually all the District’s gun restrictions has received a boost in the Senate, where gun rights supporters led by Idaho Republican Sen. Larry E. Craig are seeking to get the measure passed as an amendment to the city’s 2005 budget.

If the effort were to succeed, it would markedly increase the chances of the repeal passing Congress this fall. A similar measure in the House has more than enough co-sponsors to pass that chamber and has been promised a floor vote this fall by GOP House leaders.

Calling them gun restrictions is a bit of a stretch. DC has what is essentially an outright ban.

At least someone is addressing what the ban really does.

The Herald and News says the ban sunset is drawing little attention. Perhaps locally it may be but the major press is all fucking over it with over 3,000 news items. The media push to re-enact the ban is upon us.

2 Responses to “Assault weapons ban round up – Afterglow”

  1. ashby Says:

    I somehow doubt that Jennings does his own research. He doesn’t have the time. He’s too busy trying to look unCanadian.

    Damn Canucks…

  2. Xrlq Says:

    Not only was Colin Ferguson’s handgun not an “assault” weapon, it was purchased in California, four years after “assault” weapons had been banned there. [Um, I mean, here. Wishful thing on my part.]

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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