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Like you and me, only better

WATE writes:

The Knox County Sheriff’s Office says Wednesday that Deputy Melissa Bush, 28, won’t be cited for running a red light when she crashed her cruiser into a car Tuesday morning.

She wasn’t responding to a call. She just ran the red light, which she would have ticketed someone else for doing.

3 Responses to “Like you and me, only better”

  1. countertop Says:


    I’d like to represent that family that got hit. Seems to me that the police departments failure to prosecute or otherwise discipline her is going to set them up for an awfully big punative damages award – if not this time, then certainly the next time an accident like this happens.

    And by big, unless the Tennessee Legislature has passed some law protecting the city, I mean big like spilling hot coffee on your lap at McDonalds.

  2. Drake Says:

    I tend to agree. I smell a nasty lawsuit.

  3. Edo Says:

    A nasty lawsuit that should be filed! That kind of abuse by law enforcement is outrageous.

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