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Final nail in the CBS document coffin

The WaPo:

The lead expert retained by CBS News to examine disputed memos from President Bush’s former squadron commander in the National Guard said yesterday that he examined only the late officer’s signature and made no attempt to authenticate the documents themselves.

“There’s no way that I, as a document expert, can authenticate them,” Marcel Matley said in a telephone interview from San Francisco. The main reason, he said, is that they are “copies” that are “far removed” from the originals

As of now, they have no experts that they revealed who corroborate the story. A while back, I pondered who faked the memos. I decided it was either some really dumb Democrats or some smart Republicans. Turns out, Rich thinks it may be smart Democrats.

One Response to “Final nail in the CBS document coffin”

  1. JohnX Says:

    AFter reading Rich’s story, and trying to figure out whether he is serious or not, I realized who planted the forgeries.

    Hillary Clinton.

    I am copying my comment here, because it is so dang smart. Kerry has taken on James Carville, not realizing that the ‘Old Serpent Head’, as Rich refers to him, has a conflicting loyalty.

    “interesting theory. Your respect for Old Serpent Head is well deserved. My feeling is, though, that you are just a tad impatient in the prediction.

    drumroll, please….

    The reason they are going to let Kerry take the dive on the forgeries is because they want to make sure he loses, not because they want him to withdraw. When he loses, he automatically primes Hillary for the ’08 race. If Kerry was to actually win, it would push her into ’12 and even that would be a hard run, because it would be coming after (presumably) 8 years of a Democratic president (maybe just 4 years and then 4 years of a Repub). So, its plant the forged docs or wait for a worse opportunity in ’12. The Clintons know that ’08 is absolutely perfect timing, because after all this red ink funding Iraq, there will be a morning after headache coming about ’06.”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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