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The buzz in the right half of the blogosphere is that the new National Guard documents regarding President Bush that were reported on 60 Minutes may be fakes. Powerline is on it. See also here and here for some comparisons to home cooked versions.

Update: Powerline seems to be down, I’m guessing due to traffic. They got Drudgelanched.

Update 2: Bill asked an expert who says they’re probably fake. And Kevin says they’re not fake because the White House hasn’t disputed their authenticity.

I am reserving judgment on this one until the White House responds.

Update 3: The reason I was suspicious was not due to superscript or proportional spacing (IBM had that in 1941). However, the fact MS Word’s default settings generate identical documents is odd.

9 Responses to “Faked?”

  1. kevin Says:

    Umm, so then why did the White House release copies of those memos and why didn’t Bartlett deny their authnticity when given the chance?

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Dunno. But CBS faxed the copies to the white house. I didn’t buy the proportional spacing bit (because IBM had that in 1941: )

    but the fact that MS word on standard settings generates an identical version, i thought it had legs.

  3. Lean Left Says:

    The Memos are not faked.
    Man, the desperation on the right over the Guard story is getting to be a bit ridiculous. Apparently, some in…

  4. kevin Says:


    you are right, the memos were the faxed copies. but ti still remains that the Bartlett did not question the memos authenticity, nor has anyone else at the White House.

  5. SayUncle Says:

    Yet. Given what a half ass guardsmen bush was, do you think he’d even know what the originals looked like? Besides, shouldn’t you be able to take 60 Minutes at their word?

  6. kevin Says:


    So,et me get this striahgt: nowing that this story was coming, no onein the Bush Amdinistration ahs done anything to check the accuracy of the memos, and no one expresses any doubt about their authenticity? And then they release them themselves to the press? What?

  7. SayUncle Says:

    Dunno, we’ll see. 60 Minutes may not have verified their authenticity either.

  8. Justin Says:

    So,et me get this striahgt: nowing that this story was coming, no onein the Bush Amdinistration ahs

    thinking…is he being sarcastic or is he using one of the typewriters in question…

  9. cube Says:

    i read this on instapundit.

    karl rove is trying to destroy the MSM (main stream media), in other words the white house new they were fakes, and realeased them anyways.

    They are not the ones who are trying to cover up things, it is the MSM.

    try that one one for size fellows.

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