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I for one welcome our new alien overlords:

This radio signal, now seen on three separate occasions, is an enigma. It could be generated by a previously unknown astronomical phenomenon. Or it could be something much more mundane, maybe an artefact of the telescope itself.

But it also happens to be the best candidate yet for a contact by intelligent aliens in the nearly six-year history of the SETI@home project, which uses programs running as screensavers on millions of personal computers worldwide to sift through signals picked up by the Arecibo telescope.

Via the geek.

Update: The beeb says no.

Update 2: Apparently, aliens would prefer email to radio.

2 Responses to “Alienses?”

  1. cube Says:

    cnn says yes.

  2. Drake Says:

    Damn. I particularly trust neither source. So is the invasion fleet en route, or no?

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