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A few technical missteps aside, this article about the assault weapons ban is fairly objective:

A decade after Buffalo led the nation in crimes involving assault weapons – and with the city again plagued with gang-related violence – the federal law banning some of those guns expires Sept. 13.

And while some gun-control advocates are up in arms, there’s otherwise little outcry about the fact that Congress appears unwilling to renew the ban.

Once touted as a sure-fire way to cut crime, the assault-weapons ban now looks like a loophole-ridden partial success even to some of its backers.

And to gun-rights supporters, it’s a joke.

Well, there aren’t any loopholes. The law specifies what and how many features semi-automatic rifles capable of accepting a detachable magazine can have. If they meet that criteria, they’re legal.

This quote by Josh Sugarmann, of the Violence Policy Center, is interesting :

For those who fear that if the ban expires there will be a flood of AK-47s and Uzis on our streets, the sad truth is we’re already drowning.

So, the ban as you (and Diaz) have mentioned hasn’t kept weapons off the street. Yet the crime rate and violent crime rates continue to fall?

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