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Swift Boat Vet Update

Thurlow has announced he will sign the 180. Meanwhile, Kerry still not expected to do a 180. As Patterico says: The ball’s in John Kerry’s court.

Meanwhile, Thurlow is stating that the paperwork the WaPo got hold of (which Thurlow called fraudulent) was based on John Kerry’s report from 35 years ago.

7 Responses to “Swift Boat Vet Update”

  1. cube Says:

    what do you mean by “sign the 180”


  2. SayUncle Says:

    It’s a form to release military records to the public.

  3. tgirsch Says:

    So is Thurlow going to give back his medal?

    In any case, Thurlow’s story is thin, thin, thin (if there was no gunfire, then where did the bullet holes come from?).

    And if I’m not mistaken, Thurlow fought the release of his records until after WaPo got them under FOIA.

    As far as I can tell, SBVT is hoping that their baseless allegations will lead to a fishing expedition that might turn up something, but over the last couple of days, their credibility as a group has been seriously undermined.

  4. Phelps Says:

    tgirsch, you’ve been watching too much Perry Mason. Thurlow’s story doesn’t suffer from the bullet holes — just O’Neil’s later (and under cross-examination) recounting of his story. Thurlow has said that they came under fire on that patrol — but not at the time of the rescue after the third boat stuck the mine. Did Rassaman think he was being shot at? He probably did, since the witnesses that day said they thought the mine was part of an ambush, and opened up on both shores. There was lots of shooting, but none of it was coming in — it was all going out. That is why they spend an hour and a half in one spot rescuing the men and recovering the boat.

  5. Mike Langlois Says:

    I tend to believe that Thurlow and the other vets had a better perspective of what was going on. Rasmussen was in the water, concentrating on staying afloat and alive, Kerry has given multiple versions about that incident.
    It’s like in a ballgame. The plate umpire only sees the ball coming in, the spectators see that plus the first base runnier heading for
    second, plus whatever else is going on at the time.

  6. pete skinner Says:

    i was in nam an lost both feet’and if it was;nt for the fighter jets iwould not be here,,yet you people fall all over your self to to support someone who awol an a persn who gets 5 deferments to stay home out of far as i concerned it my opinion it should be vet for my opinion you guys as yellow as pres. an vice pres.your a bunch of people are just like a bobble head i read where one of your bosses took 40m from bush,its nice to know our vets can be brought of like a bunch of thieves.well i will let you maggots rest in your own swill a

  7. HB Says:

    THere is no doubt that SVT are telling the Truth. Secondly there is no doubt that John KErry is European mole placed in the system to undermine America and its superior military thank god for the filmed version of his speach after the war, otherwise another lie for Kerry.

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