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Letter from Frist

The Geek has an email from Bill Frist that states further federal regulation of gun ownership is not the best answer to preventing violent crime, and I am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment.

Excellent. Given that Frist did not allow the ban up for vote before the recess, things are looking up. I applaud Frist.

One Response to “Letter from Frist”

  1. Guy Montag Says:

    Bravo Senator Frist! I knew I kept my TN voter registration for a good reason 🙂

    Now, where can I get some 25 rd. magazines for the Saiga-12? Oh yea, they are not banned but all the dealers use the AWB as an excuse not to sell them right now.

    Also, where the heck can I get a threaded Benelli Nova Pump barrel as an extra for the Nova I am picking up Wednesday? Okay, I mean at a reasonable price as all the stores here charge $210+ per barrel (doubt they include chokes either).

    Biggest question, where can I get a deal on an H&K Compact .45 for my son? Add the night sights and it is like $800! Wow, I must be a good daddy 🙂

    And lastly, how is thag G30 working out? I plan to get one after recovering from my son’s birthday.

    Please cc any reply to e-mail.

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