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I like my humor fair and balanced too

Or at least humorous. First and foremost, I love The Daily Show. It’s hysterical. I TiVo it every night. Stewart is funny and he picks on both sides (though he picks on Republicans more).

Last night during the 4 in the morning feeding of the baby, I watched The Daily Show on TiVo. Now, my frame of mind at 4 in the morning is perhaps questionable, but here’s how the opening segment went down: Stewart shows a clip from the Swift Boat Vet ad. Then proceeds to go into all the talking points over at Media Matters regarding the SBVs (which coincidentally are misleading – I don’t believe the SBVs but such blatant fabrications to discredit them may lead one to believe the Dems do have something to hide) to counter the ad. And I waited for the punchline. It never came. There was a lame reading of the doctor who claimed to treat Kerry’s journal (not funny) and a mention of the Alabama Mail Room Clerks and Bush, which Bubba already did.

That was it. No jokes (OK, no good jokes) just talking points. Now, I don’t mind if my humor is slanted. I do take issue when it isn’t humorous. If you’re going to do the fake news, make sure it’s funny fake news and not a commercial.

Then Colbert did a hysterical piece on a representative sample from DemCon.

6 Responses to “I like my humor fair and balanced too”

  1. SayUncle : In the spirit of being fair and balanced Says:

    […] f being fair and balanced |By SayUncle| In a follow up on my recent The Daily Show posts here and here: Boy, Jon Stewart went pretty easy on Ed Gille […]

  2. Phelps Says:

    I can’t tivo TDS. It conflicts with Family Guy, and Family Guy is funnier.

  3. tgirsch Says:

    The Colbert piece was one of the most brilliant I’ve seen in a while.

    I got a chuckle out of the letter home bit, but not a big laugh. Another chuckle at Stewart’s McCain impression. As for the rest, while it wasn’t particularly funny, I didn’t see it as being particularly out of line, either.

    Specifically which “talking points” about the SBVT ad are “misleading?

  4. SayUncle Says:

    Surprised you haven’t seen this in the blogosphere but some highlights include MM’s claim that they are liars because they didn’t serve in kerry’s boat, which is not what they claim. They claim they served with kerry, meaning in the same unit which consists of multiple boats.

    They have republican ties. Republicans paid for it but so?

    The doctor didn’t sign the medical record. This doesn’t prove he didn’t treat kerry but it is the only of their points that is credible.

  5. the mullet Says:

    kinda off topic (I caught the retun this morning, and thought the SBV bit was purty funny):

    how’t the little one?

  6. SayUncle Says:

    Doing great, getting fussy as she gets older. No doubt a trait from mom 🙂

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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