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Lawyers, Guns, and Whatever

I heard about this story on the radio this morning. Seems that a couple of lawyers were wandering around the halls of their office building shooting each other with BB pistols. You know, to blow off steam.

As police searched, they were met by Melinda Hagaman, who works at a business in the building; she told them not to worry.

“I knew it had to be the lawyers from down the hall,” she said in an interview Monday. “They had done this before.”

Hagaman, 25, said she immediately knew what was going on Friday because she got caught in a crossfire between the BB-fighting lawyers about a month ago. “I was outside on a break and I got shot in the finger and shoulder,” she said.

Brilliant, right? Well, it gets better:

Police arrested one of them, Gary K. Burger…Burger specializes in personal injury, auto accidents, workers’ compensation and medical malpractice cases.

You can’t make this stuff up, folks.

2 Responses to “Lawyers, Guns, and Whatever”

  1. Kevin Baker Says:

    So, when Burger puts out an eye with his BB pistol, he’ll represent the injured party in a suit against the BB gun manufacturer?

  2. Thibodeaux Says:

    Well, you know what they say about the man who is his own lawyer.

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