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Oh, the irony

First, let me just say that I feel safer when Congress is not in session. That out of the way, it seems that Kerry urged Bush to call Congress back into session. Screw that, I don’t care if they ever go back to work again. When they’re in session, everyone of us should be nervous. As an aside, them being in session increases the odds that the Assault Weapons Ban gets up for a vote.

The ironic part is that Kerry, who doesn’t show up to vote all that much, is calling for it. I’m certain that if such a call was made that Kerry would stop campaigning and get right to work?

2 Responses to “Oh, the irony”

  1. Robert Douglas Says:

    That was my exact thought when I heard that report on the radio.

  2. Marc Says:

    Second that. Back in the days of the Clinton government “shutdown” I must say that the air smelled sweeter, the sun shone brighter …

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