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Hmm, 2004 – 3 = 2001

Via Bubba, we learn that the reports that led to terror alert is three years old, according to some say officials. A little bit late there, fellas.

Don’t get me wrong, I think it is a good idea to be alert but given the timing, it’s a bit questionable. However, the fact the information isn’t new doesn’t mean that there is no threat.

Update: To make XRLQ happy, Tom Ridge says surveillance done by terrorists occurred as recently as January. That makes it new info in my book.

2 Responses to “Hmm, 2004 – 3 = 2001”

  1. Xrlq Says:

    Only the story doesn’t say that. What it does say is that much of the information that led the authorities to raise the terror alert was 3 or 4 years old, while other information is new, much of it coming from the guy they nabbed in Pakistan last month. There is no “the report.”

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Oops, left the S off the end of report.

    While I admit to being smarmy, the story also says that:

    They reported that they had not yet found concrete evidence that a terrorist plot or preparatory surveillance operations were still under way.

    To me that implies the info is sketchy and obviously not specific. Now, whether that could be indicative of 9/11, well, as i said, i was being a smart ass.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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