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You can’t win on this issue

Kerry, while addressing the Bush administration’s terror policy, said:

Let there be no mistake, I will never hesitate to use force when it is required. Any attack will be met with a swift and certain response. I will never give any nation or international institution a veto over our national security . And I will build a stronger American military.

The Democrats can’t win on the issue of terror. Apparently, the only thing they’ve really decided is that they are not George Bush.

3 Responses to “You can’t win on this issue”

  1. cube Says:


    is kerry moving to the center to capture votes.

    or did he read intelliagence report that changed his mind?

  2. tgirsch Says:

    The Democrats can’t win on the issue of terror.

    I don’t get this. It’s not as if the GOP has a stellar record on the terror issue. Whether or not its their fault, the worst terror attack on US soil happened on the GOP’s watch, and three years later, we still don’t have the guy responsible, and somehow I’m supposed to believe that the GOP is better on terror than the Democrats?

  3. SayUncle Says:

    I’m referring to the perception of the Dems on terror (which is weak).

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