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Libertarians Need Not Apply

Tomorrow we’re having our party primary elections, and some non-partisan judicial elections. I’ve had the local Evil Talk Radio station on in the background, and I’ve noticed a lot of ads for Republican candidates. I wasn’t listening too closely to one of them, until I heard it disparage one candidate for being affiliated with the Libertarian Party:

“You know, the party that wants to legalize all drugs, opposes the gay-marriage amendment, and opposes President Bush in Iraq.”

Those fiends!

The top- and bottom-of-the-hour news has also mentioned that you’re only supposed to vote for candidates of one party tomorrow. Unaffiliated voters can choose Republican or Democrat, but registered Libertarians can only vote in the non-partisan contests.

UPDATE: That quote isn’t really a quote; it’s kind of what I remember them saying. I think I remembered part of it wrong; I fixed it. My bad.

3 Responses to “Libertarians Need Not Apply”

  1. SayUncle Says:

    Any third party is at a disadvantage at the polls. It’s quite intentional.

  2. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    I’ve stated before that I’ve got some serious issues with the LP position on foreign policy. They sometimes sound frighteningly like the anti-war protest crowd of moonbats.
    I wasn’t aware the LP supported the FMA. That sounds more like a Constitution Party plank to me.

  3. Thibodeaux Says:

    HL, that was from memory, so it may or may not be exactly what the ad said.

    SU, I can understand restricting the primary. I just thought it was funny that they mentioned the LP by name. That probably represented more air time than the entire LP advertising budget could provide.

    I am impressed by the LP in North Carolina; they’ve consistently had candidates for almost every office in the past 2 elections that I’ve lived here for. This was not the case in Tennessee when I lived there, nor in Louisiana.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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