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Quote of the day

Regarding this:

It’s probably the only time of the year you can shop for a Rolex watch, a Tommy Hilfiger outfit and a used car all under one rooftop — and it’s happening this Saturday in the parking lot of the Public Safety Center.

Some 700 items — ranging from cars, costume jewelry, designer urban wear, furniture and stereo equipment — will go to the highest bidder at the annual forfeiture auction by area law enforcement. The merchandise, collected from court seizures by the Columbus Police Department, the Columbus Vice and Narcotics Unit and the Metro Narcotics Task Force, will be on hand for viewing from 8 to 10 a.m.

Chuck says:

There used to be a Fourth Amendment

I think the only amendment in the Bill of Rights that hasn’t been perverted is number three. But then, we’ve not had a war on our own turf in a while.

One Response to “Quote of the day”

  1. Stormy Dragon Says:

    If you mean in the literal sense of having to house troops in our homes, then yes, the third ammendment is intact.

    But the founders’ concern with housing in troops in homes wasn’t really about the actual housing situation in and of itself. The British practice of quartering troops in private homes was used as a way of keeping an eye on people they didn’t trust. For example, since Sam Adams was well suspected to be involved with the “Sons of Liberty”, troops were placed in his home to observe him and report on any suspicious behavior.

    The third ammendment is properly seen as trying to limit the government’s ability to spy on its own citizens without proper cause. In that sense, I’m not sure the Third Ammendment is as intact as you suggest.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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