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De Gustibus

Kim du Toit posted a list of “25 People, Places Or Things That Are Popular, For No Apparent Reason”, one of which is Unintended Consequences, by John Ross, and several of his commenters chimed in with “Never read it, never will.”

Now, I happened to enjoy reading that book, quite a bit. I also like Atlas Shrugged, Battlefield Earth, and Tales from Topographic Oceans by Yes.

And I don’t care what you think of me!

UPDATE: Here’s a bloated, self-indulgent work filled with “cardboard charactes” and “kinky sex” that I will NOT be reading…

6 Responses to “De Gustibus”

  1. Les Jones Says:

    I’ve enjoyed John Ross’s Internet writings, and that made me put his book on my list of things to read one day. So you liked it?

  2. Thibodeaux Says:

    I liked it, but then, apparently, I’m odd. It IS long, and may be longer than is really necessary.

    One of Kim’s commenters said the plot was “kooky,” which I guess means it couldn’t happen in real life (usually isn’t a problem for me when I’m reading fiction), and that the characters were “cardboard,” which means…well, I’m not sure I understand what that means. Maybe it means the good guys are always good and the bad guys always bad. I don’t know.

    When it comes to fiction, I have fairly low standards, as long as it’s entertaining.

  3. GORDON Says:

    I hope you meant Battlefield Earth the book, and not the movie.

  4. Thibodeaux Says:

    Well, yeah.

  5. Les Jones Says:

    Battlefield Earth is on my list of really bad movies to watch one day. I hear it’s awful. Most of the bad movies I want to watch one day are sci-fi. Event Horizon is another.

  6. Thibodeaux Says:

    I have not seen Battlefield Earth the movie. I have see Event Horizon and I did not like it.

    But of course, de gustibus….

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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