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Pending BSL in New Mexico

There is a move to ban pit bull breeding in New Mexico. An opponent of the bill has an interesting tale:

Sally Mayer has been through a vicious dog attack of her own.

“It chewed my face off,” said Mayer, a city councilor.

She was 2 years old at the time and had to go through a battery of medical treatments, including painful shots in her stomach to prevent rabies.

The breed of dog?

“It was a cocker spaniel, like Lady of ‘Lady and the Tramp,’ ” Mayer said.

Mayer, now 53, has not, however, grown up to believe cocker spaniels are dangerous.

That’s partly why she says banning the breeding of pit bulls in New Mexico, as has been proposed by a state senator, is the wrong approach.

“It’s not the dog that’s the problem; it’s the owner,” Mayer said.

There’s not a pit bull problem, there’s a responsible pet owner problem.

4 Responses to “Pending BSL in New Mexico”

  1. Indigoi Says:

    Oddly, the only dog that ever bit me was a cocker spaniel! When I was 10 years old, and he chewed my arm up pretty good.

  2. triticale Says:

    I mentioned this report to the trainer who is working with our canine, and he says that cocker spaniels were for a long time number one for biting people. Eighty years ago there was a sudden fad demand for them because one took first place at the AKC Nationals. They were the first puppy mill breed, and behavioral flaws permeated the breed.

  3. brett champoux Says:

    i am a christian, family man, and business owner with 3 pitbulls that are a integral part of our household.i would be more than happy top subit pics of our pits lickin drool off our two childrens faces, sleeping with them,and doin what dogs kids ride them, pull their ears, and subject them to the frolic that kids do who adore there friends and family. both my kids were raised with pits, and weve never even heard a growl over my crawling son takin a bone away from even our largest male….what’s next???? it’s all fashions and fads, and im really sick of it all.

  4. Marc Says:

    I think to even consider a ban against the breeding of pitbulls is ridiculous! I have been breeding pitbulls for ten years now,and in my opinion the pitbull is the most compassionate and loyal breed their is.I have raised my dogs with my children,neices, and nephews, and not once have I ever had to worry about my dogs attacking anyone. You can’t single out the pitbull breed I have known chiauhuas that are more viscous than pitbulls. It’s the owners that train the dog to be the way it is. If anyone should be punished it should be the people who own dogs that attack, and pitbulls aren’t the only breed. It’s the people who train there dogs to attack and fight that have given the breed a bad name. Stopping the breeding of pitbulls will not prevent people from being bitten by dogs. All dogs are capable of atacking, it just depends on how you train and interact with your dog, that will determine the behavior of your animal.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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