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$6 for gas?

In England, gas averages about $5.79 per gallon. It’s the fault of the war right? Doom, gloom, end of the world, and all that.

No, actually, in England about 3/4 the price of a gallon of gas is taxes.

3 Responses to “$6 for gas?”

  1. Justin Says:

    Have you noticed that more gas stations are placing stickers on the pumps explaining how much you are paying in tax? Approx .20 give or take in TN last tme I looked.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    More like $0.40 in TN. But yeah, i noticed. Some is federal and some state i think.

  3. tgirsch Says:

    In some places, I think it’s law. That is, some places require gas stations to disclose how much per gallon is taxes.

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