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17 Syllables of Suck

Kevin linked to a really fascinating look at Haiku. Kevin doesn’t realize there is no such thing. I’m not a real artsy sort of guy but most poetry in general sucks. I wrote my own Haiku on the fact Haiku sucks:

Why do people care
Haikus are really stupid
And easy to write

I was not alone, Tom wrote:

I must say I’m shocked
Here I agree with Uncle
Haiku is stupid

So, write your own Haiku sucks Haiku.

4 Responses to “17 Syllables of Suck”

  1. tgirsch Says:

    Call me old-fashioned (or new-fangled?), but it has to at least rhyme or have a repeating structure (preferably both) before I’m willing to call it “a poem” at all. Free verse of any kind sucks. Curse you, Walt Whitman!

  2. kevin Says:


    I once wrote a post called “Poetry Sucks.” 🙂 I jus thought the development of an “American” haiku form was interesting.

  3. triticale Says:

    Haiku haiku bo
    Baiku banana fana
    Fo faiku, haiku

  4. Stormy Dragon Says:

    Haiku sucks _in English_. The Japanese language tends, on average, to take fewer syllables to express a particular concept than the English language. As a result, it’s easier to say something meaningful in 17 syllables of Japanese than in 17 syllables of English.

    Favorite parody Haiku (via _The Kids in the Hall):

    Ninety-nine bottles
    Of beer on the wall. Ninety-
    Nine bottle of beer.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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