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BSL Alert – Omaha

Council Bluffs is apparently considering a ban:

If the dogs were banned, pit bull owners could keep their animals, but could not raise another after the dog dies. Owners also would have to spay and neuter the dogs, and no new pit bulls would be allowed into the city.

The counter proposal is almost as bad:

Instead of a ban, Dierks said, the city could declare the breed dangerous. With that designation, the dog owners would have to carry $100,000 liability insurance policies and keep the animals in kennels while they are outdoors.

Only adults 18 and older could walk pit bulls, and the dog would have to wear a muzzle and be kept on a four-foot leash.

Banning breeds is pointless. Irresponsible owners will ignore the ban or move to another breed. Insuring pit bulls is almost as bad because it just increases the costs for owners and doesn’t do anything to prevent attacks. How about prosecuting owners whose dogs attack people?

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