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Quote of the day

Caught parts of Lewis Black: Black on Broadway on HBO. One line stuck out and rang true (paraphrased):

The only thing worse than a Republican or a Democrat is what’s created when they work together.

5 Responses to “Quote of the day”

  1. Kevin Baker Says:

    Lewis Black is one of my favorites, and that one is pretty good. But my favorite quote from him came prior to the 2000 election:

    “In my lifetime, I’ve gone from JFK to Gore.

    “In my lifetime, I’ve gone from Ike to GW Bush.

    “If this is evolution, in a few years we’re going to be voting for PLANTS!”

  2. tgirsch Says:

    I actually met Lewis Black in a bar in Milwaukee. Surprsingly, he’s a really nice guy. You’d even describe him as pleasant. Nothing at all like his act.

    Then again, I was pretty liquored up at the time. I closed our conversation by saying that I hoped to meet him one day when I wasn’t so drunk. He replied by saying that maybe next time, he wouldn’t be drunk, either.

  3. tgirsch Says:

    Oh, and my favorite Lewis Black joke came earlier this year on the Daily Show, after a woman filed a frivolous lawsuit against Wal-Mart: “I should sue her for making me take Wal-Mart’s side on anything!”

  4. Phelps Says:

    The one I came away with is, “The Democratic Party is the party of no ideas, and the Republican party is the party of bad ideas” and “The way it works is that a Republican stands up in Congress and says, ‘I have a really bad idea’ and then a Democrat jumps up and says, “I can make that idea even shittier!”

  5. Ralphie Says:

    My favorite from the special, regarding the infamous color code threat awareness system — and please excuse the language —

    “Here’s how the threat level should be:
    1) Jesus Christ!
    2) Goddamnit!
    3) FUCK ME!”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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