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There Oughta Be a Law

Against stupid politicians, that is:

The bill would punish anyone caught wearing low-riding pants with a fine of as much as $500 or as many as six months in jail, or both.

“I’m sick of seeing it,” said Shepherd, a first-term legislator. “The community’s outraged. And if parents can’t do their job, if parents can’t regulate what their children wear, then there should be a law.”

We’re doomed.

7 Responses to “There Oughta Be a Law”

  1. skb Says:

    Yes, but why do they need to wear their pants so low?

  2. gunner Says:

    Stupid is, is stupid does.

  3. gunner Says:

    The same reason my generation had bandannas in our pockets like “the boss”. Earlier generations cut their hair like the beatles, had muscle shirts.
    Just because it makes no sense does not make it an item that needs to be regulated.

  4. Thibodeaux Says:

    Bubba, in this case I’m with you.

  5. skb Says:

    [/sarcasm] 🙂

  6. Thibodeaux Says:

    I know; I’m not THAT clueless.

  7. Resonance Says:

    Fashion Police
    Literally:People who wear low-slung pants that expose skin or “intimate clothing” would face a fine of up to $500 and possible jail time under a bill filed by a Jefferson Parish [Louisiana] lawmaker. State Rep. Derrick Shepherd said he filed…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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