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Accents and Dialects

I’ve been told I speak with a bit of an accent. I don’t really see it that way myself; it always sounds to me like THEY have the accent. I saw a link to this post by Geitner Simmons (ht: Donald Sensing), that discusses the origins of the Southern accent and dialect, and the long tradition of the entertainment folks getting it wrong:

The movie “Cold Mountain” has given moviegoers new reason to complain about bungled or exaggerated Southern accents in Hollywood films. But I recently ran across a similar gripe voiced way back in 1897, about stage productions. The complainer was Thomas Nelson Page (1853-1922), whose extravagant writings did much to promote a moonlight-and-magnolia romanticizing of the Old South. From Page’s 1897 book “Social Life in Old Virginia: Before the War” (emphasis added):

Quite a large crop of so-called Southern plays, or at least plays in which Southerners have figured, has of late been introduced on the stage, and the supposititious Southerner is as absurd a creation as the wit of ignorance ever devised. The Southern girl is usually an underbred little provincial, whose chief characteristic is to say “reckon” and “real,” with strong emphasis, in every other sentence. And the Southern gentleman is a sloven whose linen has never known starch; who clips the endings of his words; says “Sah” at the end of every sentence, and never uses an “r” except in the last syllable of [the N-word]

This is something that bothers me, too. Movies almost NEVER get Southern accents right. So when I saw Fargo, I had to be skeptical that they got that accent right. I’ve been told they did, but I can’t really say from experience.

6 Responses to “Accents and Dialects”

  1. skb Says:

    Having spent some time in Fargo and in Minnesota, I can attest they pretty much nailed it.

  2. mostly cajun Says:

    If they butcher Southern dialect, they draw and quarter the Cajun dialect…

  3. BSTommy Says:

    I like Sam Jackson’s comments about when he was making A Time to Kill, and the director was ranting that his accent wasn’t authentically southern.

    Sam would only shake his head, wondering how learning to talk in Chattanooga didn’t qualify his accent as southern enough.

  4. Thibodeaux Says:

    If they butcher Southern dialect, they draw and quarter the Cajun dialect…
    Did you see that Adam Sandler movie?

    Tommy, I heard a similar story about Dolly Parton and Steel Magnolias.

  5. Kirk Parker Says:

    Let me second skb’s opinion: my wife is from Minnesota, and she agrees the accent is as authentic as you’re gonna get. And not just the accent, either–that’s just about sounds, but the contents of the conversations themselves is wonderfully authentic. One scene that comes immediately to mind is the husband getting news that his Duck stamp painting only took second place, and she says, “Second place is pretty good.”

  6. GORDON Says:

    Yeah but Slingblade rules.

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