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Michael Zitz, call your office

Here’s some history on the little tussle between myself and Mr. Michael Zitz:

First Entry
His email to me and my response
His second email to me and my response

If someone accused me of either 1) inadequate research or 2) outright lying, then I would address either of those concerns. I would not change the subject and I wouldn’t refuse to respond to legitimate criticism of my writing. But that is apparently his style of debate. He sees me as the problem because I decide to point out factual inaccuracies in his, uhm, work. I, a simple non-media peasant who demands truth, am a fanatic, apparently. Though I do find it odd, even though I’m not the one publishing falsehoods, that I am the fanatic.

He has refused to respond to my last email

The point to this rant is that people like Michael Zitz should pay attention to articles like this piece (via Instapundit):

At a time when public distrust of the news media appears to be at a dangerously high level, there is evidence of a deep and fundamental disagreement between those who produce news and those who consume it.

Although most journalists believe quality and values are vital elements of their work and see themselves as providing an important civic function, the reading and viewing public seems to think of journalism as a bottom-line-driven enterprise populated by the ethically challenged. Last month, the Washington-based Project for Excellence in Journalism released a wide-ranging study — “The State of the News Media 2004” — that concluded that a key factor in journalism’s sagging image is “a disconnection between the public and the news media over motive.”

“Journalists believe they are working in the public interest, and are trying to be fair and independent in that cause,” the survey found. “The public thinks these journalists are either lying or deluding themselves. The public believes that news organizations are operating largely to make money, and that the journalists who work for these organizations are primarily motivated by professional ambition and self-interest.”

Being the bully that I am, feel free to email this to him at

Update: In related news, I am the number one google for Michael Zitz. Heh!

4 Responses to “Michael Zitz, call your office”

  1. Chris Wage Says:

    Reading over the threads, I have to say that your restraint is admirable.

  2. Mike Says:

    Just to show how pathetic you are, Ace, I’ve received one email generated by your ramblings in the three weeks since you posted this.
    And, my, my. Did you make a mistake? I guess your Google search produces different results from mine.
    How about an apology for your lack of attention to detail, Mr. Media Watchdork?

  3. Mike Says:

    Umm, you might get more hits with another site:

  4. newsrack Says:

    Volunteer Tailgate Party: better late than never?
    … pretty wild tailgate party!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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