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Remember, only police should be armed

An air marshal left his gun in the airport restroom. Ouchie.

Another policeman’s gun goes off all by itself. Glocks don’t discharge all by themselves. Poor guy lost his pinkie. Ouchie.

3 Responses to “Remember, only police should be armed”

  1. The Comedian Says:

    To be fair, the gun was not the policeman’s own service weapon, but was in fact a weapon removed from the posession of a suspect.

    No telling what state of repair such a piece might be in when confiscated.

    (Though it usally takes a trigger pull to set off a glock.)

  2. Bruce Says:

    “They said Sain was placing a .40-caliber Glock semi-automatic pistol in a box at about 4:10 p.m. Friday when the weapon discharged.”

    Yeah, I’m sure that’s exactly how it went down…not.

  3. Cinomed Says:

    I realize tehy want to preserve the evidence on the gun and all, but shouldn’t they at least unload it?
    What about those big plastic bags they always drop things into?

    I’m telling you, these durn guns just pop off all the time it is a miracle any police survive long with them WILD guns always at hand…..
    /sarcsm off

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