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Quote of the day

Sportsmen For Kerry:

Besides the cursory newspaper articles about how John has hunted since a child (a la Clinton in 1992), John Kerry espouses the belief that there should be reasonable controls placed upon gun ownership and availability. The only issue gun owners may have with this is that every restriction that comes along is reasonable to him.

12 Responses to “Quote of the day”

  1. Manish Says:

    perhaps I’m just missing something, but what’s the difference between Bush and Kerry’s positions on gun control? IIRC, both are in favour of AWB and the gun show loophole. I’m not sure what Kerry’s position on the liability bill is though.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    In terms of differences, Bush did sign CCW into law in TX if I recall. So, he supports concealed carry.

    And I think Kerry opposed the immunity bill whereas bush supports it.

    And i have no idea what dubya’s position on the non-existent gun show loophole is.

    And they both support the AWB, but it is speculated by Bush apologists that, since he says he supports it but does nothing to advance it, he’s not really for it but is playing politics.

    Time will tell.

  3. Bruce Says:

    Don’t forget, Kerry voted for Kennedy’s amendment to the frivolous lawsuit immunity bill that would have essentially banned all ammunition capable of penetrating a cop’s kevlar vest (i.e. ALL centerfire rifle ammo).

    F. John Kerry

  4. tgirsch Says:


    Point me to some references on the non-existent gun show loophole. My understanding (admittedly probably flawed) is that you can buy a gun at a gun show with a lesser level of background checking, if not bypassing the background checks completely. Show me the light.

  5. Manish Says:

    you can argue what their philosophies are, but at the end of the day, both aren’t much different in how they will govern as President. The fact that Bush is “just playing politics” isn’t going to stop him from eventually signing an AWB extension.

    IIRC, Dubya did say that he would sign the immunity bill with the “gun show loophole” rider if it crossed his desk. Kerry didn’t vote on the immunity bill, but according to this article, Kerry is opposed to it. But even you’ve said that its a minor piece of legislation.

  6. Thibodeaux Says:

    My understanding (admittedly probably flawed) is that you can buy a gun at a gun show with a lesser level of background checking
    Not true. Dealers have to run a NICS check on every sale, whether it be at their store or at a gun show. Reference? Well…try the US Code. THERE IS NO GUN SHOW EXCEPTION TO THE LAW.

  7. SayUncle Says:

    Tom, the loophole is that private citizens can go to a gun show and buy guns from other private citizens. They engage in lawful commerce. It’s not a loophole. Imagine i sell you a gun. That’s it.

  8. Thibodeaux Says:

    Sorry I shouted. I’m just peeved that the “Big Lie” tactic of the anti-gunners worked.

  9. tgirsch Says:


    If a private citizen sells a gun to another private citizen, is a background check required? Or could you, as a private citizen, legally sell a gun to, say, Charles Manson (assuming he were not currently in prison)?

  10. bjbarron Says:

    There is no Gun Show Loophole.
    In other words, I can buy a gun from a private person in New Jersey…but I must have a firearm license and a pistol purchase permit ($2), give one copy to the seller, keep a copy, and send copies to the town and state.
    You must still comply with the requirements of your state*…the gun grabbers make it sound as if private purchases are above the law and that there are no records.
    The only difference between me and a dealer is that I am not required to keep records…the state does that for private people thru the purchase permit system.

    *Inherited guns can be registered after the fact.

  11. bjbarron Says:

    As for your Manson comment…
    If Manson can get a firearm license ( takes 6 months) and his 90 day pistol purchase permit (takes 2 months) and pass the instacheck call to the state police…he gets the gun.
    In New Jersey the burden is intensely on the buyer…not the seller.

  12. SayUncle Says:

    Tom, I am not required to do a background check on you and as long as charles manson is old enough to buy a gun, then someone likely could sell it to him without violating the law.

    The loophole part that people mistakenly refer to is that of a dealer who is licensed who buys and sells guns as part of his personal collection and is the result of fees. You approach a dealer and offer to sell him something. If he buys it as a dealer, he has to fill out paperwork and run a NCIS check and pay the $10 for it when he sells it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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