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More on Zitz

Myself and Mr. Zitz are still engaged in our little go-round that I mentioned here.

He responded to my email with:

Thr truth is that nothing I could ever write would do as much damage to your cause as the day to day performance of your own work

Your obsession with this topic pushes the media in exactly the opposite direction from what you want.

No media person getting email as a result of what you’re doing takes it seriously. It’s easy to identify. And it’s viewed as a cheap pressure tactic in which a small group of fanatics with too much time on their hands try to create the illusion of a spontaneous groundswell.

The result of such transparent attempts at bullying and intimidation is at first amusing, then merely hardens opposition to your cause. I’m sure you think that writers getting this email will hesitate to oppose you again, In reality, it stiffens their resolve not to be pushed around by knuckleheads like you and your friends.

But I guess it’s therapeutic for you. So have at it.

To which, I responded:

I am not trying to bully or intimidate anyone into anything. I just don’t appreciate misinformation being spread about a topic I happen to be passionate about (particularly when it is easy to get that information). And I will bring attention to it. If you have an opinion on the gun issue, write about it. But do so honestly and factually or someone will call you on it. If not me, someone else. I’m not going to change many peoples’ minds but I have changed a few.

I have an audience (a moderately sizable one at that) for which I write about gun inaccuracies in the media regularly. Peruse the site a bit, and you will find that you’re not the first person to go a few rounds with me. You’ll also notice that my site and sites like mine have managed to get a few retractions from news sources regarding the gun issue.

As for your comments about the media not taking me seriously, I have no doubt. But let’s remember that the people are taking the media less seriously too and have less trust in it. In fact, if I recall correctly, a recent USA Today poll that said that the majority of us don’t trust the media. Maybe there’s a correlation there?

You accuse me of bullying and intimidating you when I have done no such thing. I pointed out factually inaccurate items in your article. I notice you have yet to address these inaccuracies. Instead of dealing with those things, you attack me personally by stating I have your sympathy, I need to get a life, and that I conduct cheap pressure tactics. I suppose if you’re unwilling to address the issues, prove me wrong, or admit you’re wrong, ad hominem attacks are the route to go. You now have my sympathy.


Given that I engage in bullying and cheap pressure tactics, send him an email:

Make sure to bully him around a bit.

4 Responses to “More on Zitz”

  1. Emily Litella Says:

    Who is Lance Star? Some convict on death row? Oh wait, that’s Mumia. Nevermind!

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Heh! That’s funny.

  3. Phelps Says:

    Don’t try to intimidate me with your facts and your logic! Guns are icky, and I know that it is true!

  4. SayUncle Says:

    No response yet. Guess he either didn’t want to deal with us fanatics and our facts. Or he said Uncle

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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