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More .50 Caliber Lies – Update

This time in New York. A Newsday article on .50 caliber rifles is accurate about the rifles:

The rifles shoot a large bullet and are accurate to within four inches at 1,000 yards at supersonic velocity, then carry more than two miles with declining accuracy. The forerunner is the .50-caliber machine gun that has been used in the military worldwide since World War I, but today’s rifles available on the legal market are often single shot, bolt-action firearms.

The Internet is also full of semiautomatic models that resemble the military assault weapon that have been mounted on tanks and jeeps for decades.

Today, the rifles cost between $2,000 and $11,000, can weigh 50 pounds and are most often used by target shooters in competitions nationwide. Occasionally they are used in big-game hunting in Africa, Alaska and some western states.

Of course, they quote Tom Diaz of the Violence Policy Center as well:

These are the tools of the trade of terrorists

Odd how the only violent crime committed with a .50 was by a policeman and not a terrorist. KABA has it right: Tom Diaz is nothing but a professional liar. In fact, here’s a list of VPC lies.

4 Responses to “More .50 Caliber Lies – Update”

  1. Thibodeaux Says:

    Which terrorists used a .50 rifle?

  2. SayUncle Says:

    None. That’s the point 🙂

  3. Thibodeaux Says:

    The VPC has a pdf file where they claim to rebut the “Top Ten Lies.”

  4. Drake Says:

    …and if my aunt had balls she’d be my uncle.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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