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Cussing & Stuff

Les discusses G-Rated versions of X-Rated sayings. I, too, have a potty mouth. This does remind me of this manager I had when in public accounting. He went to great lengths to inform people that he didn’t cuss and that he didn’t appreciate cussing around him. The problem with this was the fact that he did the G-Rated cussing. When something happened, he’d say Gosh darn it or refer to someone as a son of a biscuit. And my personal favorites were freak and fudge. I did a lot of freaking and fudging up, apparently

I realized that I was going to be a short timer in public accounting. So, one day after the manager let loose with a full-blown, Yosemite Sam, non-cussing rant regarding a particular client problem, I said Those bastards. He proceeded to give me the lecture about cussing, how he didn’t do it and how he didn’t appreciate me cussing. I responded thusly: Why the holier-than-thou attitude? You mean what I say. I just sound a lot less fucking stupid saying it.

I don’t think he got it. Oh, I don’t advise doing this in your own career. As I said, I knew I was a short timer.

If you’re going to cuss, do it right.

7 Responses to “Cussing & Stuff”

  1. Thibodeaux Says:

    I always get a kick out of the contortions the TV people have to go through to over-dub the curse words on some movies.

    For example, at the end of Die Hard 2, Bruce says, “Yippe-ki-yay, Mr. Falcon.”

    And at the beginning of Usual Suspects, when they’re all in the line-up, they have to say, “Give me the keys, you fairy godmother!”

  2. BSTommy Says:

    Damn straight. Personally, I won’t trust a man who won’t curse.

    My personal favorite bad word is “shit”.

  3. Thibodeaux Says:

    Which is, I believe, the longest word in the Southern dictionary.

  4. justin Says:

    My personal favorite curse word is “Fuck”. I throw out the F-bomb like its going out of style.

  5. tgirsch Says:


    Get the fuck out! Really? 🙂

    The problem with the F-bomb is that it’s so overused these days. So I find myself increasingly relying on “god damn” and “cock sucker/cock sucking.”

    For G-rated cursing, I use the Johnny Dangerously translation system: “You fargin’ sneaky bastages! I kill you iceholes!”

  6. Les Jones Blog Says:

    Helping Cure Potty Mouth One Blogger at a Time
    Rocket Jones (no relation) got in trouble at work for saying that “the system goes down more than Linda Lovelace.” SayUncle says that his CEO looks at him funny when he says “you can’t polish a turd.” I’ve got potty…

  7. SayUncle » There’s a term for it Says:

    […] I still think it’s fudging stupid. […]

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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