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9/11 Ads follow up

In the comments below regarding the 9/11 ads, Barry says:

I meant it was a little insulting to me as an American that the relatives think that 9/11 was only their tragedy. Obviously they’re all going through a very painful struggle, but 9/11 wasn’t a car wreck, a forest fire, a hurricane or a regular plane crash. It was a world-changing event that has changed the lives of every American. Forever. We all grieved for the victims, we grieved for our way of life, we grieved for our sense of security and we grieved for the deaths yet to come. To tell me that the relevance of 9/11 was only theirs to own, and not all Americans is practically a slap in the face.

I think that sums it up fairly well. My thought process that day was threefold. First thought was Holy Shit. My second thought was sympathy for the people who died and their families. My third thought was Holy shit, we’re gonna nuke somebody tomorrow and it’s the end of the world as we know it. I am glad that my third thought was incorrect. To minimize the impact of this event on those of us not directly affected is absurd.

5 Responses to “9/11 Ads follow up”

  1. Brian A, Says:

    To tell me that the relevance of 9/11 was only theirs to own, and not all Americans is practically a slap in the face.

    Where is this coming from? Who is saying that only those who lost family members have a right to comment on Ground Zero? The reason the press is interviewing them is because they are most directly tied to the tragedy. It is their family members’ graves being shown in the commercial. That’s also why they have more direct say in the site memorial than you or me. So what? How is that taking away from your sense of “ownership” in the tragedy?

  2. Manish Says:

    Barry is right. However, I think that there is large segment of the population that feels as though Bush is using 9/11 for political gain and thats wrong.

    Between limiting the amount of time he’ll give to testifying before the 9/11 commission, to stonewalling the commission and trying to get it to finish its work early. Then the Republicans moved their convention to be as close to the 3rd anniversary as possible, including having a few states change their laws to allow for nominating a nominee after Sept. 1. The firefighters have been complaining about not getting adequate funding to respond to the next terrorist attack.

    The commercial is the straw that broke the camel’s back more than anything else for some people.

  3. Last Home Barry Says:

    My point is mainly about using footage of the actual attacks – I hadn’t seen the shots of the graves. I mean, showing the graves of people who died on your watch isn’t exactly confidence-building for Bush, but it shows the tough times we’ve been through.

  4. smijer Says:

    “I am glad that my third thought was incorrect. To minimize the impact of this event on those of us not directly affected is absurd.”

    I agree with you. Now would you agree with me that using footage of the aftermath in a television commercial begging for re-election effectively cheapens them, thereby “minimizing their impact”?

  5. SayUncle Says:

    Smijer, not at all. Bush, who i have hounded many times, did a phenomenal job immediately after 9/11. People should be reminded of it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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