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Senate done and unsurprisingly accomplishes nothing – except maybe a shady deal

So, they are done for the night. After several hours of nothing, they took a break for several hours. They come back and some guy droned on about considering amendments. Some words thrown out:

DC gun ban amendment

Sniper amendment

Assault weapons amendment

Concealed carry amendment

Gun show amendment

Cop killer bullets

Kennedy amendment

They will resume debate tomorrow and try to vote on Tuesday (hoping maybe Edwards and Kerry show up?).

The saying is true (paraphrased): Law is like sausages. If you like either, you should never watch them being made.

Update: Publicola has more. It appears some sort of deal has been made and it’s not looking good. Call your senators. This would seem, on the surface, to support some of the allegations that the NRA is willing to sell gun owners out for this immunity bill. It does fit their MO to cater to industry first and gun owners second.

2 Responses to “Senate done and unsurprisingly accomplishes nothing – except maybe a shady deal”

  1. John of Argghhh! Says:

    Most of those I know what they are about – the two that concern me because I know nothing about them are the “Sniper Amendment” and the “Kennedy Amendment”.

    What are we going to do – ban accurate rifles?

  2. John of Argghhh! Says:

    Too quick on the trigger – “Ban accurate rifles in the hands of drunks who flee accident scenes?”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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