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Dogs in Pickups Update

An update to this from a while back, is in the Tennessean today:

A proposal in the legislature to require that all dogs riding in the back of pickup trucks either be caged or tethered was amended yesterday in an attempt to make it more palatable to opponents.

State Rep. Bill Dunn, R-Knoxville, the sponsor, agreed to apply the law only to trucks on state highways. The first offense would get a violator a warning instead of a fine.

Does it apply to convertibles? Me and the dogs have been out riding around with the top down. Guess we’ll avoid state highways to be safe.

One Response to “Dogs in Pickups Update”

  1. glenn1you0 Says:

    <disclosure>I have two dogs and a truck.</disclosure>

    I’ve never had a problem with dogs jumping out of a a moving truck ( which is what I suspect this law it trying to prevent ), but I would suspect the animals could get hurt more in an accident if they were tethered versus free. Am I wrong? In the presence of force sufficient to toss a pet clear of the vehicle, having a tether around their neck coulnd’t be good, could it?

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