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Make your family terrorism plan

WATE writes:

State homeland security officers say they’re confident Tennesseans are safe from a terrorist attack. But they can’t let their guard down and say you shouldn’t either.

Even with all the increased security and frequent changes to the color-coded national terror alert system, many East Tennesseans have no idea what to do if terrorists actually strike. “My first reaction is panic,” Yvette McDaniel said. “I mean, I think that’s anyone’s reaction.”

The Department of Homeland Security is trying to combat panic with information on developing a plan.

Start by setting up an emergency, out-of-state contact who has all your family phone numbers. If a local terrorist strike happens, it could be impossible to make a local call.

Also, turn on your TV and radio. You’ll need news updates and information in emergency bulletins.

Sure, I think the media and politicians like to play up this fear thing, but it probably is a good idea to prepare for the worst. After all, people do develop plans for a house fire. May as well have a terror plan.

Noticeably absent was a mention of grabbing a gun. It is East Tennessee so that is probably not an issue.

2 Responses to “Make your family terrorism plan”

  1. Drake Says:

    Indeed Uncle. I would posit that East Tennessee would be a very polite place should an attack here take place(God forbid)

  2. tgirsch Says:

    They also forgot “change into clean underwear.”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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