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We’re winning

Zogby poll asks about concealed carry laws (and other stuff):

Voters overwhelming favor these self-protection laws by a margin of 79% to 18%. Right-to-Carry drew better than 70% support in every demographic group, with even non-gun owners indicating their backing by 73% to 23%.

Voters were asked: “Do you agree or disagree that American firearm manufacturers who sell a legal product that is not defective should be allowed to be sued if a criminal uses their products in a crime?”

Voters in both Red and Blue states strongly oppose such lawsuits – 74% of the former and 72% of the latter. In fact, a majority in every demographic group opposed the lawsuits; the most strongly opposed, at 83%, were current members of the military and their families.

The survey also asked: “Which of the following two statements regarding gun control comes closer to your own opinion? Statement A: There needs to be new and tougher gun control legislation to help in the fight against gun crime; Statement B: There are enough laws on the books. What is needed is better enforcement of current laws regarding gun control.”

By a better than two-to-one margin – 66% to 31% – voters nationwide agreed with Statement B. Only self-identified liberals called for more laws, by a 53% to 44% margin. Moderates solidly favored better enforcement, 62% to 34%.

Voters were asked: “Do you agree the NRA is right to fight gun control on both the federal and state levels?” NRA`s support stood at 64%, with a party affiliation breakdown showing Democrats siding with NRA 54% to 42%, and Republicans 73% to 22%.

4 Responses to “We’re winning”

  1. Klimermonk Says:

    Yay. Big yay.


  2. On The Third Hand Says:

    Say Uncle!
    Here are some very pro-gun statistics from a Zogby poll on gun controlI titled this post with the name of

  3. The Bitch Girls Says:

    The tide is turning! (Link stolen from On The Third Hand.)

  4. Les Jones Blog Says:

    Weekly Gun Links #3
    Jeff Cooper’s January commentaries are online. Knoxville bloggers are invited to the first-ever Rocky Top Brigade Pistol Night February 10th. Kevin of The Smallest Minority has written his first article for the Shooter’s Carnival. His shooting backgrou…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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