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If we screw up, there’s a loophole

People apparently don’t know what loopholes are. Whenever legislation doesn’t have the desired effect or someone thinks that something ought to be required by law and it’s not, then it’s a loophole. The latest is this quote about the Assault Weapons Ban:

An additional question cited the Bushmaster rifle used in the D.C. sniper attacks last year as an example of a gun legal only through “loopholes.”

It’s not a loophole, it’s a poorly constructed law.

4 Responses to “If we screw up, there’s a loophole”

  1. tgirsch Says:

    Just curious, what would you say is a loophole?

  2. SayUncle Says:

    I’d say a loophole requires serious twisting of the law.

  3. Xrlq Says:

    In this case, I’d say it was a very controversial law, which just barely passed after substantial concessions were made. Had the “loopholes” not been added, it never would have become law at all.

  4. Kirk Parker Says:

    Of course it’s a loophole. This is very easy to explain:

    1. Bad things happened.
    2. We passed a law to prevent this.
    3. Bad things still happen.
    4. Ergo, there’s a loophole. QED.

    What part of this don’t you understand?????


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