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Those Pesky Grades

So, the Brady Bunch issued its state by state report card a while back. Tennessee got a D+, if you must know. Maybe we can get an F next year. Regardless, here’s something on the issue I found amusing:

First, the group gives Vermont a grade of D- because, supposedly, the “state’s weak laws make it too easy for criminals, the mentally ill and juveniles to get guns.”

But this statement is laughable, for crime in Vermont is virtually non-existent. Just last year (2003), Vermont earned the Safest State in the nation award from the Morgan Quitno Press — a group of statisticians who rank each state according to its safety record.


FBI statistics showed last year that the states which enjoyed the lowest murder rates earned grades of D or D- from the Brady Campaign. New Hampshire, North Dakota and Maine have murder rates that any state or country could only dream about.


Finally, the Brady Bunch awarded Maryland one of the highest grades in the nation (an A-), even though they had the second HIGHEST murder rate in the nation.

How can the Brady Campaign give that state an A- with a straight face? The state is not keeping its citizens safe from gun violence — or any other violence for that matter. But hey, Maryland gets an A-, simply because they have strict gun control laws — regardless of whether those laws are keeping people safe.

Oh, that whacky Brady Campaign.

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