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Still a Dick

One good thing about the upcoming primaries is that it very likely signals the end of Dick Gephardt’s political career. To wit:

The American Conservative Union filed suit yesterday, demanding that Rep. Richard A. Gephardt (D-MO) pay back 90 percent of his $157,000 salary. Mr. Gephardt missed more than 90 percent of votes in the U.S. House during 2003, and the law requires the secretary of the Senate and the chief administrative officer of the House to dock a member’s pay for each absent day.

One Response to “Still a Dick”

  1. skb Says:

    I tend to agree with you on this one. Further, I’ve always wondered why these beltway bozos expect anyone to take them seriously if they aren’t willing to give up the security of their day jobs to run. Clearly they expect to still be needing a job afterwards.

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