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How typically Sharpton

Since Sharpton is irrelevant, he recently relied on the one thing guaranteed to get him attention: Race Bating:

Howard Dean, a former governor of mostly white Vermont, was put on the defensive on his record on race in the last debate before Democratic presidential campaign voting kicks off in a week.
Civil rights activist Al Sharpton forced Dean to acknowledge Sunday that no blacks or Hispanics served in his cabinet during 12 years as governor.

“While I respect the fact you brought race into this campaign, you ought to talk freely and openly about whether you went out of the box to try to do something about race in your home state and have experience with working with blacks and browns at peer level, not as just friends you might have had in college,” Sharpton said.

Dean responded, “I will take a back seat to no one in my commitment to civil rights in the United States of America.”

If Sharpton is dissatisfied with his press, someone’s got to be a racist. While we ponder the important issue of how many minorities Dean had on staff, SayUncle estimates that in America today: 21 black people will commit murder; 22 black people will be murdered; 506 black people will be arrested for drug trafficking crimes; 1,000,000 black people are in prison; and 26,500,000 black people live in poverty.

3 Responses to “How typically Sharpton”

  1. Marc Says:

    I don’t believe that Sharpton thinks that everything is racial issue.
    I DO believe that race-baiting is a successful tactic for him. With nothing else to offer Sharpton relies on what worked in the past.

  2. Les Jones Says:

    Dean picked a cabinet that “looked like Vermont,” which is why he wound up with a bunch of honkeys. Vermont is about as lily-white as it gets.

  3. Les Jones Blog Says:

    Dean vs. Sharpton
    Michael Williams says all that needs to be said about the Dean-Sharpton dustup. In the comments on this story at SayUncle I wrote: “Dean picked a cabinet that “looked like Vermont,” which is why he wound up with a bunch…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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