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More trouble in the gun free utopia


A 31 year old New York City woman, Giuseppina Guidici, had an abusive husband. After Guidici’s husband “held up a gun and threatened to kill her father”, she shot and killed him. Sounds like another case of a scumbag wife beater getting what he deserved, doesn’t it? Well not in the liberal utopia that is New York, where the rights dead scumbags are cherished more than those of the law-abiding.

This week, Guidici was sentenced to five years probation for second-degree manslaughter

11 Responses to “More trouble in the gun free utopia”

  1. tgirsch Says:

    Because, of course, that whole “trial by a jury of your peers” concept is vastly overrated. Let’s just replace it with vigilante justice and be done with it.

    Now I’m not saying the woman was in the wrong here; what I’m saying is that charges may have been appropriate here — appropriate enough that her defense attorney advised her to plead guilty.

    I’m as opposed to spousal abuse as anybody. But I don’t advocate abused spouses killing their abusers, either.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Because, of course, that whole “trial by a jury of your peers” concept is vastly overrated.

    Wow tom! I’m certain that no evidence was withheld from the jury. Our legal system doesn’t have a history of doing that, now does it? And of course a prosecutor has no choice in who he prosecutes, right?

    Let’s just replace it with vigilante justice and be done with it.

    My ass. Holding a gun on a loved one? Someone should cap his ass.

    appropriate enough that her defense attorney advised her to plead guilty.

    Without more info, i’d conclude her attorney sucked. Or she didn’t have enough $$$ to fight it.

    I’m as opposed to spousal abuse as anybody. But I don’t advocate abused spouses killing their abusers, either

    Even when they’re holding a gun to their daddy’s head?

  3. tgirsch Says:

    I’m certain that no evidence was withheld from the jury.

    What jury? This man didn’t get a jury, he got a bullet.

    Even when they’re holding a gun to their daddy’s head?

    Without more info, I can’t say that he was holding a gun to daddy’s head. We weren’t there, so we don’t know what happened. Maybe things are exactly as presented, and maybe not. But now the only thing we can be sure of is that we’ll never hear his side of the story.

    All we have here is conjecture, but in the 1st Circuit Court of Uncle, conjecture is enough to sentence somebody to death?

    What if the circumstances were reversed? What if the wife got fed up and pulled a gun on the abusive husband? Would he then be justified in shooting her dead, penalty-free?

    I want to underscore that I’m not trying to defend the dead guy, at least not if he was guilty of the manner and degree of abuse of which he’s been posthumously accused.

    I’m just saying that I’d be hesitant to elevate the shooter to hero status, or to condemn her probation, without knowing a lot more details.

  4. SayUncle Says:

    This man didn’t get a jury, he got a bullet.

    I don’t give two squirts of piss about him.

    I can’t say that he was holding a gun to daddy’s head.

    the original article:

    Prosecutors said Guidici shot her husband after he held up a gun and threatened to kill her father in March 2001.

    I didn’t call her a hero. It’s rather sad she didn’t leave him earlier. I’m just saying that manslaughter for defending a loved one (which is a legally justifiable shooting in most states) is a bit ludicrous.

  5. SayUncle Says:

    Oh, and i liked the 1st Circuit Court of Uncle, i may have to rename the blog!

  6. tgirsch Says:

    I’m just saying that manslaughter for defending a loved one (which is a legally justifiable shooting in most states) is a bit ludicrous.

    Assuming all of the details of the case are what we were lead to believe, and assuming that there aren’t any other extenuating circumstances, you may be right. I’m just saying that’s a lot of assumptions.

  7. SayUncle Says:

    Assuming all of the details of the case are what we were lead to believe

    Well, duh! But are we always equally critical of all news stories? Not likely.

  8. tgirsch Says:

    And I’m glad you enjoyed First Circuit Court of Uncle.

  9. Stormy Dragon Says:

    > Without more info, I can’t say that he was
    > holding a gun to daddy’s head. We weren’t
    > there, so we don’t know what happened.

    Sure we know what happened. Some who was there has told us. What evidence do you have that her account is incorrect, other than that its convient to you argument that it be so?

  10. SayUncle Says:

    its convient to you argument that it be so?

    Isn’t that what online debate is about :^)

  11. Anonomous Says:

    I believe that in this case what she did was justifiable. He was had a gun and he could have killed an innocent person. Instead of killing an innocent person, a guilty person was killed.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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