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RSS is wonderful

Chris was nice enough to give me a copy of his homemade news aggregator. It’s installed and you can access it here.

I’ve added some of my blogroll and news feeds that actually have RSS feeds to it (I was surprised at the number of folks who don’t). They’re not all there yet. It takes time to set up but it will be worth it. And if you don’t have a feed, you need to get one, it’s the future. I was actually surprised how many sites don’t have them. It makes it so easy to read your favorite sites in one place. You folks on Moveable Type have them at For reference, mine can be accessed here.

8 Responses to “RSS is wonderful”

  1. skb Says:

    [brag]and I actually coded mine.[/brag]

  2. Dave Says:

    I’m working on one using .NET. SKB, what did you use to code yours?

  3. Brian A. Says:

    Cool. Is that very difficult to set up?

  4. SayUncle Says:

    After chris walked me through it and 10 or so emails later, it wasn’t that hard 🙂

  5. glenn Says:

    Yeah, RSS aggregation is fun, but why use such a clean, usable interface, when you can use something like this? 😉

  6. rich Says:

    I’ve thought about setting one up, but wasn’t really sure exactly what it did. Now that I see it, it’s pretty handy.

    Great, something else for me to work on….just what I needed. Thanks, uncle!

  7. Barry Says:

    But what about Blogger? Does it automatically generate one?

  8. SayUncle Says:

    I think the pay services do. You can see a list here:

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