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Last Meal

The website that listed the last meals of Texas death row inmates (which I blogged here) has removed the last meals from the website:

The final meals of executed prisoners are off the menu on the Texas prison system’s Internet site.

Texas, which far and away leads all U.S. states in executions since a national death penalty ban was lifted in 1976, has long listed details of the meals on the prison system’s Web site,

But Michelle Lyons, a spokeswoman for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, said they were removed last week during a redesign of the site.

“We had some complaints from people in both the U.S. and abroad that it might be in poor taste to distribute that information on the Web site,” she said.

The information about last meals will still be made available to reporters covering executions.

4 Responses to “Last Meal”

  1. Brian A. Says:

    The whole punishment is in poor taste.

  2. Indigo Says:

    Oh Man! It never ends, does it? The PC Patrol in action.

  3. Justthisguy Says:

    WHY? The ugly testimony about the sordid deeds of the condemned guys is already in the public record, the ,uh “exaggerations” of the lawyers on both sides are already in the public record, the perjurious testimony railroading the innocent is already in the record (few, but there are some), So why can’t we know this? Has it been replaced by the old, generic statement, “The condemned man ate a hearty meal”.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    man, that sucks

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