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Here’s hoping it doesn’t suck

Tonight at 9 p.m. EST on the SciFi channel, Battlestar Galactica premieres. It has potential since our last best hope for good science fiction television has run its course.

9 Responses to “Here’s hoping it doesn’t suck”

  1. tgirsch Says:

    I was never able to get into Bablyon 5.

    Admittedly, I haven’t watched in a while, but I never much minded Andromeda.

  2. kevin Says:

    I couldn’t get into Babylon, bit that as becasue it never came on when i was in a position to watch it regularly, so I missed a lot – something you cannot do with that show.

    I have been reading some things that make me think its going to be better than that camp 70s show, so I will give it a chance. the premise was always interesting – its just that American TV cannot do sci-fi at all.

  3. Drake Says:

    I really enjoyed B Five. The Earth Alliance vessels had kick ass names. Agrippa, Agamemnon, Cadmus, Churchill, Apollo, Ajax, Hector etc.

    I have been watching the reruns of Galactica and the promos for the new one. The one thing I can say is that the humans of that series are the most gullible I have ever encountered in a sci-fi series.

  4. tgirsch Says:

    My biggest worry about the new Battlestar Galactica miniseries is that it may have fallen into the “all science fiction must be dark” trap. Science fiction seems to fall into two groups: completely campy, or completely dark and serious, with no room for a middle ground.

    Part of why I like Andromeda, as corny as it can sometimes be, is that it hasn’t forgotten how to be fun, something that most science fiction in the last 20 years has sorely lacked.

  5. Barry Says:

    I followed B5 as closely as I ever followed Trek, through the course of its run. It was great when DS9, Voyager and B5 were all running at the same time in the mid-90’s.

    Farscape was a fun show to follow as well, but it soon became too aware of its self as time went on – plus it ended badly.

    I will watch Galactica tonight, without high expectations but an open mind. I remember drawing Colonial Vipers all over my folders when I was in Jr. High 🙂

  6. AlphaPatriot Says:

    Straczynski told fans on a message board that he’s working on a follow-up to B5. It’s very hush-hush at the moment, but news may be out by the end of January.

  7. Stormy Dragon Says:

    I loved B5, but there have been some other good sci fi series since then. Most notably _Farscape_

    Regarding the new Straczynski series, I wouldn’t be suprised if it’s based off of the ‘Legend of the Rangers’ movie that the Sci Fi Channel ran recently.

  8. tgirsch Says:

    I wouldn’t be suprised if it’s based off of the ‘Legend of the Rangers’ movie

    Good God, I hope not. That was friggin awful! The VR punching and kicking weapons system was incredibly silly/stupid.

  9. Kevin Baker Says:

    I really enjoyed B5, but I came to it after it had completed it’s 5-year run. I caught it in reruns on the SciFi channel in (pretty much) it’s entirety. Really quite well done.

    However, my favorite SciFi TV series was Farscape, and I am royally pissed off that SciFi decided not to fund season 4. Yes, it was an acquired taste. Yes, it was episodic and you needed to follow the story for a while, but it had the best writing and the best acting I’ve seen on ANY TV series in a LONG time.

    The remake of Battlestar Galactica was OK. Some of the acting could have been better. The special effects were quite good, but were not the leading feature of the piece. Overall, I was pleased. But it wasn’t anything to write home about.

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