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A few observations about TV advertising

I am glad that I haven’t seen a Dell intern commercial in about two weeks. Those kids should use the money they make from these commercials for acting lessons.

Every Taco Bell commercial ever has sucked. Even the one with the dog.

I don’t know if anyone has seen the Build a Bear commercial but isn’t that girl a bit old to be building a teddy bear. And who the Hell was responsible for hiring her? Jeez, do they think she can sing? Must be the CEO’s daughter or something.

What is with these Old Navy commercials? Shizzle’s gone fazizzle? Who the Hell writes these things? That look is off the hook? I used to like Fran Dresher (sp?) What the . . .

I’m sorry, guys. There is no good way to do a soup commercial. Just show the soup and say it tastes good. The bending spoons is terrible but it is slightly less annoying than the couple whose son just moved out. Time for an adult soup? Why the Hell did you by Campbell’s any way?

And a note to Apple, correct grammar would mean think differently.

And a note to Microsoft, it should be see farther not further.

While I’m being a grammar/spelling Nazi:

Seperate is not a word.

Wreckless is not a word.

Insure refers to insurance that you buy. Ensure refers to offering assurance about something.

Hell, I don’t even have editors.

11 Responses to “A few observations about TV advertising”

  1. JS in TN Says:

    “Why the Hell did you by Campbell’s any way?
    And a note to Apple, correct grammar would mean think differently.

    And a note to Microsoft, it should be see farther not further.

    While I’m being a grammar/spelling Nazi:

    Seperate is not a word.

    Wreckless is not a word.

    Insure refers to insurance that you buy. Ensure refers to offering assurance about something.

    Hell, I don’t even have editors.”

    If you had editors, you would have said, “Why the Hell did you *buy* Campbell’s any way?”

    🙂 😉

  2. tgirsch Says:


    Actually, “anyway” would be one word, if he had editors. And “isn’t that girl a bit old to be building a teddy bear” would end in a question mark, not a period. But I digress.


    Re: Fran Drescher (I can’t remember if there’s supposed to be a “c” or not), those commercials creep me out, because she’s got to be at least 50 years old and gawking over those barely 20 guys, not to mention being gawked at by them… (quick IMDB search, she’s 46, and yes there’s a “c” in her name; this means she was probably only 19 when she appeared in Saturday Night Fever).

    But I guess it’s no worse than having Morgan Fairchild…

  3. BSTommy Says:

    I refute your claim that every Taco Bell commercial ever has sucked.

    Circa 1990 there were some really cool commercials for Taco Bell starring Young MC. Those were funny, creative commercials. What with the rapping. And the swirling colors.

    And there’s the added benefit of their starring Young MC.

    It’s 14 years ago. But that falls under “ever.”

    My biggest grammatical pet peeve is your/you’re. Partly because when I get to typing quickly, with the thoughts in my head going faster than my fingers can type, I’ll occasionally accidentally use the wrong version of your/you’re.

    Also, sometimes I confuse navel oranges and tangerines.

  4. SayUncle Says:

    Isn’t young MC now old MC?

    Apparently, I do have editors 🙂

  5. Indigo Says:

    BUSTED! 🙂

  6. Les Jones Says:

    You used the wrong homonym of by/buy/bye/bi. It’s inevitable: if one points out a misspelling, one will misspell a word.

    True story: I used to maintain a mammoth FAQ for AOL for Macintosh. I had a big legal disclaimer about how even though I took every effort to verify the accuracy of the infromation, that I took no liability in presenting it, and it was presented as-is.

    Luckily I ran a spell check and caught the “infromation” gaffe.

  7. Regina Says:

    Found you through a Google search. Who is the guy on those awful Old Navy commercials who says, “Off the hook?” It’s driving me crazy!
    And by the way, there is “a rat” in separate!
    Hee hee!

  8. Walker Evans Says:

    I found this site the same way as Regina. I’m 98% sure the guy who says “That look is off the hook” is the same guy who has appeared in a few photo-cds that I use at work. I guess he’s just some photogenic model doing cheap work. Anyway, I’ll let you all be the judge to see if he’s the same person… here’s an image off the CD (text box added by me)

    And for the record… i hate Old Navy and all of their commercials.

  9. SayUncle Says:

    Thanks for the info! It will be useful to folks finding this site but as for me, i just wish these old navy ads would go away.

  10. Walker Evans Says:

    Also… if you view source on THIS GUY’s homepage, you’ll find “shizzle’s gone fazizzle” and “that look is off the hook” in the meta-tags.

    I have no idea why they would put that in there… but it’s there. weird.

  11. Walker Evans Says:

    Well, I emailed Eric D Willaims and here’s what he said:

    “I put those particular Meta tags on my site because I had read that due to the popularity (or curiousity) of those phrases on Old Navy commercials, they draw a lot hits from searches.”

    so that answers that

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