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Oh, Bother

Turns out the God Resolution passed in my home county last night:

“This is an extremely un-American situation where government employees place their religious beliefs over their responsibility as Americans,” Sillman said.

After the speakers had their say, county commissioners passed the resolution by a 14-6 vote, with one commissioner abstaining. The vote did not come easily or quickly, as some commissioners were torn between their religious beliefs and their duties on the commission.

Guess the lawsuits will start coming soon.

2 Responses to “Oh, Bother”

  1. tgirsch Says:

    SKB needs to update his map.

  2. CJ Says:

    I doubt we’ll see any lawsuits. These resolutions are not actionable, and they have no force of law. They are symbolic, at best. There’s no reason to sue.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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